Export Payment files directly from BC
Oct 17, 2024
1 min read
Did you know that all banks require you to send them the EFT / Positive Pay file in a format unique to their needs? - One commonality amongst most of them is to set the Amount with 12 characters, without any special characters. For example, a payment amount of 100 dollars and 50 cents should be specified as 000000010050.
Although Field Mapping option in BC fetches the payment amount from the system, getting it into a particular format might be tricky. If you find yourself in a similar position, here are some tips to format the amount field accordingly.
◼ In the corresponding Data Exchange Definition, under Column Definitions, specify the format for the amount field as Decimal
◼ Under Line Definitions > Select the Line Type > Field Mapping, and set the field Multiplier as 100, which helps in removing the period in between dollars and cents.
◼ To populate zeros, click on Text Padding Required checkbox with the Pad Character as ‘0’.
For higher amounts where the digits are separated with a comma (e.g.- 10,000.50), the above steps can be done, followed by using Transformation Rules.
◾ Under the corresponding Field Mapping page, create a Transformation Rule with ‘Transformation Type’ as ‘Replace’ for replacing comma ‘,’ with blank (‘’ – two single quotes without space denote blank).